2018 Symposium highlights

The 11th edition of the RQR Symposium was held on November 13th and 14th 2018 at the New Residence Hall in Montreal, and was preceded by a pre-Symposium workshop entitled “Reproduction in exotic and wildlife species”.

Around 40 researchers and students registered for this workshop and attended the seminars of the 4 invited speakers: Dr. Gabriela Mastromonaco from the Toronto zoo, Dr. Janine Brown from the Smithsonian zoo, Dr. Christopher Tubbs from the San Diego zoo and Dr. Glen Van Der Kraak from Guelph University.

At the RQR Symposium, RQR director Dr. Derek Boerboom detailed the accomplishments of the RQRduring in 2017/2018, and also presented our objectives for 2019. During the Symposium, the RQR awarded 2 prizes for knowledge translation , 3 prizes for the best oral presentations and 3 prizes for the best poster presentations.

In addition to the conferences from our four guest speakers, participants attended 17 platform presentations and 53 posters. Here are the students who particularly distinguished themselves:

Winners best oral presentations

  1. Gauthier Schang, McGill University (1st prize – $500)
  2. Lia Mara Gomez Paim, Université de Montreal (2nd prize – $300)
  3. Ariane Lismer, McGill University (3rd prize – $100)

Winners best poster presentations

  1. Guillaume St-Jean, Université de Montréal (1st prize –$500)
  2. Amélie Ménard, Université de Montréal (2nd prize – $300)
  3. Samir Mehanovic, Université Laval (3rd prize – $100)

As for all RQR Symposia, two RQR members were honored for their knowledge translation efforts, highlighting the links they have built with reproductive research end-users and the general public. Here are the recipients of the 2018 RQR KT Awards:

  • Researcher award : Dr. Cathy Vaillancourt, INRS-Institut Armand Frappier.
  • Student award : Bélinda Crobeddu (phD student), INRS-Institut Armand Frappier.

The RQR wishes to congratulate all these winners and would also like to thank all the participants.